What is Load Bank Testing and How Does It Work?

Your generator is like a silent guardian, standing ready to provide power no matter the circumstances. Whether it’s a sudden blackout or a planned maintenance outage, you rely on your generator to keep things running smoothly. But how do you ensure that it’s always up to the task? That’s where load bank testing comes into play. In the world of backup power systems, where reliability is king, load bank testing is like a check-up for your generator, ensuring it’s ready to spring into action when needed most.

What is a Load Bank Test?

A generator Load Bank Test is an inspection and evaluation of the generator. It helps you to ensure that all the main components of a generator are functioning as they should. A Load Bank test occurs when the generator is put under an artificial load. If it can handle the artificial load, then you can trust that when you need the generator, it will function as it should.

The Importance of Load Bank Testing:

Most generators do not regularly function at their full capacity. This can lull operators into a false sense of security. If the generator seems to work fine under regular use, it can mask major issues with the machine that may cause it to fail in an emergency where you might require the full capacity of the generator.

How Does it Work?

The test is timed to the kilowatt load of the generator and gradually increased at regular intervals. The technician will observe the generator during this process to ensure that the machine functions as intended and that no obvious mechanical issues are readily apparent. Critical functions are measured at the highest possible levels before failure, for a sustained for a set period of time. This provides the technician with important insights into the health and functional capacity of the machine.

Advantages of Load Bank Testing:

Load Bank Testing helps you to identify carbon deposits in mechanical parts that may lead to subpar functioning or mechanical failure. It also helps to confirm that key systems, like the exhaust and cooling systems, are functioning as they should. A properly performed Load Bank Test identifies issues with your machine long before they lead to an operational failure and corrects them before minor issues turn into expensive catastrophes.

Schedule a Load Bank Test with Gentech today!

Are you in need of a trained technician to perform your load bank test? We here at GenTech can help. Our skilled technicians are power generation experts and can help you with all your regular generator maintenance, as well as with fixing any problems with your generator post-test. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help and schedule your load bank test with one of our technicians today!

Posted Under: generator load bank service