Staying on Top of Fuel Maintenance Preserves Generator Reliability

The fuel you use for your generator has a considerable effect on power output, energy efficiency, system reliability, and system longevity. Even if you buy the best diesel fuel on the market, it is still necessary to stay on top of regular fuel maintenance. That is because even the best quality diesel fuel begins to degrade from the moment it is refined. The process accelerates around 3 months after refinement and the fuel will continue to degrade for the next six to 12 months before it becomes unusable.

To get the most from your diesel fuel and to protect your generator from damage, our EGSA-certified generator technicians strongly recommend strict adherence to fuel maintenance tasks and procedures, including the following:

  • Ensure Proper Storage Temperature – Diesel fuel should be kept cool, but not too cool. Ideally, you want to keep the temperature of your tanks at between 20°F and 70°F. These temperatures will considerably slow oxidation and prevent condensation from forming within the tank.
  • Treat the Fuel – Applying biocides and stabilizers will go a long way toward keeping algae, bacteria, moisture, and other contaminants from degrading the quality of the fuel. When choosing additives, be sure to select solutions that are specifically formulated for diesel fuel, and not for both diesel and gasoline.
  • Change the Filters – Keeping fuel filters clean is vital for keeping pollutants from damaging your generator. If you notice your engine running rough, it’s a good indication your filter needs changing.
  • Clean the Tank – You should empty and clean your tank every 10 years. Depending on operating conditions, climate, and fuel quality, you may find that you need to do this more frequently.
  • Polish the Fuel – In addition to adding microbicides, you should also plan to polish the fuel if it has been stored for a significant period of time. Fuel polishing will remove contamination and ensure the reliability of your fuel supply.
  • Test Your Fuel – It’s never a bad idea to test your fuel to monitor quality. If you’re noticing diminished energy production, increased repair frequency, and other issues, it may be because the quality of the fuel you are purchasing isn’t up to par and it may be time to switch fuel suppliers.

What Happens If You Ignore Fuel Maintenance?

Ignoring fuel maintenance can have significant consequences on your fuel supply. When fuel maintenance is neglected, there is a significant risk of hydrolysis, oxidation, and microbial proliferation. These problems can render your fuel unusable and could potentially cause significant damage to the generator systems you depend on for your operations.

We can help you stay on top of fuel maintenance. Our EGSA-certified generator technicians can test your diesel fuel, filter your fuel supplies, repair storage tanks, and more. We encourage you to contact Gen-Tech to discuss your specific needs and to schedule a service appointment with our team. We are always ready to answer your questions and develop customized solutions that will keep your standby generator systems in exceptional condition!

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