Prime Power Generators vs. Continuous Power Generators

When you need power generation on an industrial scale, you need it to be available 24/7.  At Gen-Tech, we believe in the five 9’s of operational capacity – we believe that 99.999% of time should be guaranteed to our customers as an industry standard, and our services and product strive to reflect that goal. We offer a variety of industrial power generators that can fit any business needs or operational situation. Our industrial prime power generators are separated into two kinds of generators, prime power, and continuous power. Read below the difference between these two generators! 

Prime Power Generators 

Prime power generators use the most robust components to provide the highest degree of power generation reliability. Our prime power generator series provides reliable, heavy-duty backup power solutions when your business needs it most. Each unit features a rugged, high-quality design that ensures dependability when it matters most. 

There are many factors that go into choosing the correct prime power generator for your business, including the kind of business you have, your normal operational capacity, any power redundancies that already exist in your system, and the capacity for your system to handle brief periods of downtime.

A prime power generator is best suited to power systems that require an emergency backup, especially where a robust energy system already exists. In addition to providing backup power for emergencies, prime power generators can also be used as primary power sources for businesses with higher demand levels and/or less efficient main power units. We offer several different prime power generator models, each one specifically designed for a specific purpose.

Continuous Power Generators

Continuous power generators are a special breed. They are best suited to situations where either no utility power exists at all, or failure cannot be tolerated by the system for even a moment. Our continuous power generators allow you to start up in seconds, with no load changes required from your existing systems. These units can produce energy for applications ranging from manufacturing plants and military bases to hospitals and data centers. They are the most useful in rural areas where the grid may be spotty or even nonexistent. 

Continuous power generators are designed to be the primary power generating unit for the business to which they are attached – they are not a fail-safe like a prime power generating unit. As such, when making the decision on whether your business would be best served by a continuous power generator, there are different aspects to consider. What power generation capacity, if any, exists? Do you also need additional fail safes? Can your business rely solely on the voltage provided by the generator? In effect, continuous power generators are nothing less than an on-site power plant. 

No matter your power generation needs, we can help. Our expert team at Gen-Tech are EGSA certified technicians with the skills and up to date knowledge necessary to give you the tools to decide on a continuous or prime power generation system. Give us a call at (800) 625-8324 to speak with one of our expert technicians and schedule a consultation today! 

Posted Under: Generator