Thermal Imaging Can Detect Flaws in Maintenance Programs

Thermal imaging provides a clear picture of the operation of your generator. It is a highly-effective method of detecting problems that are invisible to the naked eye. Often, many of the problems that a thermal imaging camera sees are the result of an ineffective maintenance program. When problems are detected that result from poor maintenance, an EGSA certified generator technician can help you modify your maintenance program to prevent a recurrence of the issue.

In general, your generator maintenance program should include the following tasks that should be conducted at the appropriate intervals and with the proper frequency. As your generator ages, you will want to adjust this schedule to reflect and account for the unit’s age, condition, and operating environment.

Daily Tasks

  • Visually inspect the generator
  • Check coolant level and coolant heater
  • Check oil and fuel levels
  • Check charge-air piping

Weekly Tasks

  • Check and clean air cleaner
  • Check and clean battery charger
  • Drain fuel filter
  • Drain water from within the fuel tank

Monthly Tasks

  • Check the concentration of coolant
  • Check tension within the drive belt
  • Drain condensate from the exhaust
  • Test starting batteries

Semi-Annual Tasks

  • Change oil and oil filter
  • Change coolant and coolant filter
  • Clean the breather on the crankcase
  • Change air cleaner element
  • Inspect radiator hoses for signs of damage and disconnection
  • Change fuel filters

Annual Tasks

  • Service and clean the cooling system

Adjusting Your Maintenance Schedule

The above task lists are guidelines. There are many reasons and factors to adjust this schedule to meet your specific needs. You may need to perform certain tasks with increased frequency based on the prevalent environmental and operating conditions where the generator is located.

Further, to this list of tasks, you should include any generator specific tasks recommended by the manufacturer. Failing to perform these tasks as required can negate warranties on the generator. More importantly, maintenance failures can put your employees at considerable risk of personal injury and death should a critical malfunction occur that regular maintenance would have prevented.

Conducting Follow-Up Testing

It is advisable to perform follow-up testing following any changes to the maintenance program or the completion of any repairs. Comparing the results of the first thermal imaging test with a follow-up makes it possible to determine whether a problem was effectively corrected, or whether or not issues are still present. Further, compiling these records can help you identify and track trends that you can use to update your maintenance schedule continually and predict the potential for future problems and the point where you will need to replace your generator.

Contact Gen-Tech Power Generation Specialists at (800) 625-8324 for more information about our thermal imaging services and the maintenance programs we recommend to our clients. Our EGSA certified specialists in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada are always ready to help you protect your systems from damage and your personnel from harm.

Posted Under: thermal imaging