(Even More!) Generator Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make

When it comes to emergency generators, there is a long list of mistakes you want to avoid making with your power generation systems. These common and critical errors will not only cost you money but can also potentially destroy your backup generator. Over the past few years, we’ve covered a number of the most common errors our EGSA certified technicians encounter. And, we have even more for you to take note of so that your generator doesn’t end up needing emergency generator repair.

Using the Wrong Sized Generator

Bigger isn’t always better, and smaller isn’t always sufficient. When it comes to emergency power generation equipment, you want to select a system that fits just right. If it is too small, the system will struggle to deliver on the demands you place upon it. If it is too large, you will operate the generator at a lower load than it can carry. This will waste fuel, and you could end up wet stacking. When you wet stack the system, the fuel that hasn’t burned completely can end up collecting in the exhaust system, creating a significant fire hazard in the process.

Not Planning Ahead

Your power generation needs will evolve as your business evolves. Whether you have seasonal fluctuations or are going through a growth spurt and expanding, you need to confirm that your power generation equipment is sufficient for our needs. Properly calculating your current load requirements, near future estimates, and long-term plans is time-consuming, but it ensures that you don’t end up with systems that are the wrong size for your needs next week, next month, and next year.

Not Running the Generator

You may not use your generator all that often. It may be something you only rely on for certain operations or for emergencies. Whatever the case, your generator is like a thoroughbred; it needs to be run every once and a while to keep it warmed up and ready to go. Running your generator at least once a week helps ensure that everything is properly lubricated and that any faults within the system are detected before they can cause a critical failure.

Saving a Buck on Fuel and Lubricants

We have said it before; we will keep saying it: Don’t fill up on cheap fuel and substandard lubricants. It is penny-wise, pound-foolish. Unfortunately, when it comes to emergency generator repair, cheap fuel and lubricants are among the most common reasons generator systems fail. Always purchase fuel and lubricants from trusted suppliers who deliver quality products. While we understand the price of fuel adds up, reviewing the cost of emergency generator repair and generator replacement is a fast and easy way to justify the additional cost.

It is our pleasure to help you keep your generator systems in prime condition. We invite you to contact Gen-Tech Power Generation Specialists at (800) 625-8324 to speak with our team about your power generation needs and to learn more about the emergency generator repair services we offer.

Posted Under: emergency generator repair